Tuesday, September 29, 2015

File structure in Oracle database

File structure in database is logically divided into instances and database files.
instances again consist of database processes and SGA (System Global Area).

Database has file structure like:
1. Parameter files - which mainly describes the configurations of database,
this keeps info like the storage capacity of SGA or how many DB Writer processes
we have in the database.
2. Data files - This keeps the actual info about database objects like tables. rows, records,         columns and all.
3. Redo log file - This is basically the transaction logs of the database.
4. Control file - This basically serves as the directory of all other files.
It keeps info about where SGA, redo log file etc, are located. we keep multiple instances of control files.
5. temp file - to cater temporary requirement of sql operation we have temp file.
6. Password file - To authenticate user working as an administrative user.
7. Trace file/alert log - It records the logs for abrupt or abnormal termination of background process running in the database.

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