As you would have gone through many results on Google but none of them would have actually helped you, it's because its really very difficult task to get the c source code from the .exe file.
Disassembler or reverse engineering do not help much and maximum you can get is the flow of source program and you yourself have to rewrite the code very carefully following the flow of program. This too has a cost as you need to buy some tools like Ida Pro etc.
There are other tools also available which do help to some extent but getting the complete source code as of now is almost impossible.
I too tried a lot and finally got a command which can give you the glimpse of defined functions and saved variables, not in the correct indentation but at least you get the codes which can somehow help you, what the code was all about and how it was written.
This is a UNIX command which can help you to read the binary files.
on the command line type strings and then the binary file you wish to read.
I'm sure this will help you to some extent, not completely but you can have at least glimpse of what was written in the program.
Command is written below:
strings <binary_file_name>
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